Thursday, March 22, 2012

Beauty: The cure to softer non-chapped lips!

Okay so first, the elephant in the room....I have been completely awful with this whole blog thing. I haven't updated in forever and I feel so bad! My last sub-term at Liberty was excruciating for me because I took an extra class and on top of that, I am now in my major classes - so yea, you get the idea. I also recently had a little minor surgery (or not so minor I should say) and I am going to cover that whole experience in a future post, for anyone who is interested! Anyways, I am back on track now and I am going to start updating this regularly...I am also going to make it a priority! ;)

Back to the original post....

I don't know how many people suffer with dry, chapped lips, but I know I sure do! I suffer year-round, not just in the winter like most people, and unfortunately I have dealt with this since I was little. I like to call it "chronic dry lips" because I swear it is a disorder for me. I have seen doctors and my derm about it because it is embarrassing, I am constantly picking at my lips and people always tell me to stop, they just peel, and peel, and peel. I have tried every medicated chapstick and lip treatment out there and the only advice I got from the doctor was to use Aquaphor (really? I was seriously hoping there was some kind of seriously moisturizing lip ointment that you need a prescription for. Apparently there isn't, or maybe my doctor felt it was unnecessary...who knows!). Needless to say, the Aquaphor surprisingly didn't work.

Fast-forward to present-day....I have finally found something that works and honestly it is unbelievable to me because it is so cheap and over-the-counter! It is Maybelline's Baby Lips SPF 20 Moisturizing Lip Balm! I saw a commercial for it right when it came out; it's claims were to have 8 hour lip hydration and visibly renewed lips in just 4 weeks, on top of that it claims to be at the clinical strength level. I was thinking yea right, I even laughed. I have tried literally everything, so I decided I might as well give it a shot and to my surprise, my lips were better in A DAY! Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, has made my lips better...EVER! So for me to claim this, and to even write about it...well, that means something. This stuff is amazing and I will never ever go another day without it in my life. I have bought it in every flavor (It's actually pretty flavor-less which I like, I hate flavored lip glosses and chapsticks..yuck) and color and I have not had one that didn't work yet. I don't know what I will do if they ever discontinue it. So Maybelline, if you see this, PLEASE DON'T EVER DISCONTINUE BABY LIPS, EVER. People like me don't just love it, we NEED it...please and thank you!

Oh and while I'm on the subject, for those who have dry peeling lips like me, my favorite lipstick I have found is Wet N Wild's Mega Last Lip Color. It is super cheap and SUPER works! It never goes on caked, it lasts, and never bleeds on to my teeth. Lipstick usually looks horrible on my lips due to the peeling, but for what ever reason this stuff always goes on well and looks smooth, I love it.

**I paid for this product and all opinions are my own.**

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